Saturday, March 19, 2011

Getting Older

I recently turned 22 and it really hit me just how differently people think about birthdays. A lot of this variability has to do with increasing age (no child hates their birthday), but it's mainly dependent on the person's attitude towards getting older. Admittedly, I find getting older to be a really stressful thing and I'm starting to dread birthdays more and more. I feel like Peter Pan in the sense that getting older feels too much like "growing up" and losing your childhood joy. Everything younger people look forward to when growing up is pretty much achieved by their 21st birthday- teenager, driver's license, r-rated movies, alcohol. But after that, you ask yourself what you have to look forward to. I caught myself doing this and yet I knew it was ridiculous since I'm only 22. I have my whole life ahead of me and plenty to look forward to. I'm about to start out my life with a new apartment, job, the works. But these things worried me instead of excited me. The key to getting excited about getting older and facing new challenges and opportunities is to view each struggle as an adventure. Moving out and finding a full-time job can be absolutely terrifying, but if you can bring yourself to see it as the exciting adventure of your life as opposed to the dark unknown, getting older and facing grown-up responsibilities will a much more positive experience. Even future responsibilities of owning a home and supporting your family can be a lot less stressful if you try to think of it as playing house. We've all been children who have idealized adult responsibilities, and so in many ways we're all still children at heart playing out our fantasies. There's a reason why children play house and get excited about birthdays. Of course part of the birthday excitement is due to the cake and presents, but I think a good part of it is that they can still see the appeal of adult life. Taking ourselves too seriously and letting the negative sides of life get to us will start to take that childlike excitement away. Taking a step back to put your life into perspective makes life a lot less stressful and a lot more fun.

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