Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Best Way to Die

After reading through's list of 100 best ways to die, I've come to the conclusion that the best way to die is not currently on the list.

The best way to die is by jumping off an airplane filled with puppies and kittens with a banner of some noble cause following the plane (might as well do something altruistic before kicking it). But to make this even better, the thrill of the fall would be heightened by watching The Princess Bride or The Godfather on an iPhone or other portable movie-viewing device (this post is in no way supporting or supported by any technological/company anything), with a huge crowd of cheering people below chanting the person's name. Now I realize that no one wants to have their epic death tainted by a group of horrified people at impact. That is why a very deep, concealed pool that would explode with whipped cream, confetti and fireworks after landing in it. That way, everyone gets a good show (minus the shock of a dead person) and the last thing tasted is delicious whipped cream. On a side note, the best way to skydive is the same with the exception of an parachute or a much much deeper pool equipped with a trampoline.

*This peculiar and dark topic was brought to you courtesy of my housemate*

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